Monday, September 22, 2008

one year 1

I'm feeling slightly reflective at the moment, and just discovered this blog I posted last year, as I set out on my travels and new-found life...enjoy...the year ina nutshell is comin next!!

So here's the scoop, for those of you not in the loop (haha…sorry. That'll be my last cheesy rhyme for the blog... Hopefully... I make no promises.).

I sold my condo last week. I'm leaving for NYC in one month. I have no fixed address anymore. I will be living out of a backpack for the next year-ish. I'll be jumping back and forth between NYC and LA hustling my music. My middle name is Lynne. "Couch Surfer" is soon to be its replacement. I have 1.5 brothers and sisters, spread out over 3 people. I am a musician. I am going after a dream. I will have little income. You think you know. You have no idea…this is the diary (blog) of Meghan Meisters.

So my lovely 1.5 bedroom loft was placed on the market last week, as things start to wind down for me here in the T-Dizzle. Be it that we were first time sellers, we had no clue how things worked. You put the property on the market, people come and look at it, some might put in an offer, and then hopefully they buy it. Simple? Nope.

Step 1: Contact realtor...
Step 2: Choose date to place property on market.
Step 3: "Tidy" things up, so home is presentable.

Easy enough so far, shouldn't be a big deal. Then it happens. Our realtor, who is a very lovely person, lets us know she has a few "small things" that need to take place in 2 days in order for the place to be market-worthy by friday.

THE LIST: (as referred to in email by realtor)

-Clean up in the bathroom (new caulking)
-Remove the table and chairs (dining room)
-Remove stools from Breakfast Island
-Remove all artwork from walls
-Remove personal items from the counters etc (anything that makes it seem like you live there)
-Remove all books from the bookshelf
-Sort out the Laundry room area and push back washer/dryer 1 foot.
-Sort out the closet in bedroom
-Touch up paint in den
-Remove futon
-Remove dresser from bedroom
-Remove what you can from the den
-Buy flowers for counter
-Pack away all CD's and DVD's
-Call for the status certificate

The word "tidy" has now become a synonym for "just move out completely and please do so over 2 evenings".


We are now made aware that not only are we to get rid of our "un-matching" pieces of furniture (how dare we live in such a modern environment, and continue to live with wood tables, rather then the uber-stylish glass), but that the real estate company we are working with will be hiring a DESIGNER to come in and bring in new furniture, at their expense.


So we end completing SOME of the required tasks in order to sell our home. And by some, I mean that we allowed them to bring in their "pretty" glass tables and oversized, "modern" artwork, packed our books, cd's and dvd's and tidied up. No painting, no removal of futon, no flowers.

Then BAAAAM! We got an offer on the same day our place hit the market, for above asking price, no conditions. Papers were signed, and the whole thing took 24hrs.

And you know what…I have an inkling that it would have sold EVEN if my Dad's artwork were still on the walls and we were minus a few glass tables. But I'm no designer.

And here I sit. We have to be outta there for July 1, 2007, and today is June 1, 2007. And seeing as there are only 30 days in June, well…you can do the math.

Let the couch surfing begin!

Any takers? I'm a good cook……….

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